The School for Designing a Society (SDaS), the educational wing of the Gesundheit Institute, is a project of people who want to change society by means of desire, design, & composition.

simple-R-arrow We invite you to imagine and formulate desires for a society different from the current one.



Desire and Design: Construct Your Humanism

July 21-27, 2024 | Hillsboro, WV 

Join us for a week to explore our individual and collective desires, and an examination of the societies in which we currently dwell.

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From Patch Adams regarding SDaS

For years Gesundheit’s mission has revolved around healing and clowning; with SDaS that mission has expanded to include teaching. “I don’t think I’d still be working on the Gesundheit project had I not been a student of the School for Designing a Society.” -Patch

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Our Educational Philosophy

1614547_10152512988074416_1745246131745733723_oThe School for Designing a Society, founded in 1991, is a project of people who want to change society by means of desire, design, and composition. Rather than scramble for a comfy spot in the current system, spend some time with other interested people imagining and designing a system you would prefer.

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A History of the School for Designing a Society


The idea of the school project was to enhance the usual ways people became politically active–getting involved in single-issue social justice campaigns–by creating a place where people would feel invited to dream, discuss, and act on images of a not-yet-existing society, a society in which today’s problems would be transformed.

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Upcoming Courses

We teach programs in Urbana, Illinois and at the Gesundheit Institute in Hillsboro, West Virginia.

Working with Gesundheit, we offer a curriculum that incorporates the ideas of the Institute and of Patch Adams MD.

  • Desire and Design: Construct Your Humanism

    July 21st — 27th, 2024

    July 21-27, 2024 | Hillsboro, WV Scholarships are available! Join Patch Adams and the School for Designing a Society for...

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  • The Laughing Body: the Art of Care

    August 18th — 25th, 2024

    August 18-25, 2024 | Hillsboro, WV 2024 REGISTRATION IS OPEN! The Experience We invite you to spend a week dedicated to reflection,...

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  • Between Dreams

    September 1st — 7th, 2024

    September 1st - 7th | Hillsboro, WV Joyful Change and Colorful Connection with Jef Johnson at the beautiful site of Gesundheit...

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View All Upcoming Courses!

Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

© Copyright 2024 Gesundheit! Institute