There is an educational component to all Gesundheit projects—the books, movies, lectures, clowning, global outreach, the model hospital project. In addition, Gesundheit hosts events focused on education—at the site of the future hospital and elsewhere—in the form of medical student electives, summer institutes, health care system design intensives, and conferences.

Desire and Design: Construct Your Humanism

July 21-27, 2024 | Hillsboro, WV

We invite you to a full week on the land in West Virginia to Construct Your Humanism. We’ll elicit from each other descriptions of the humanism we wish to see in the world. We’ll offer tools & strategize ways to put our humanism into practice.

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The Laughing Body: the Art of Care

August 18-25, 2024 | Hillsboro, WV

We invite you to spend a week dedicated to reflection, play, and rediscovering the joyful and creative potential of our body and of our inner Nature (our soul), while basking in the wonderful outdoors of the Gesundheit Institute in beautiful West Virginia.

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Between Dreams

September 1st – 7th | Hillsboro, WV

Joyful Change and Colorful Connection with Jef Johnson at the beautiful site of Gesundheit Institute in Hillsboro, West Virginia. After the success of Fields of Play earlier this year, Jef Johnson is very excited to return to Gesundheit! Institute with a new group residency experience.

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Course Descriptions

Rather than orienting participants to find a comfy spot in the current social system, this School offers tools, time, ambiance and company in which people can imagine and design a system they would prefer. Find out more about courses offered in relation to a particular program/session, in either Illinois or West Virginia.

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Health Care Justice Celebration!

Holidays 2019/2020 | Hillsboro, WV

Come join us at our five day Health Care Justice Party at the Gesundheit Institute! These five days are for people who feel called on to create positive change in health care and are looking for sympathetic folks to learn from and strategize with. Join us by celebrating the new year!



[Re-Writing, Re-Righting] Cassandra

Sep 16 – Dec 7, 2019 | Urbana, IL & Hillsboro, WV

School for Designing a Society, Gesundheit Institute, and Dr. Patch Adams are looking for people from all walks of life who will commit–as first priority—to studying, discussing, & collaborating on the changing climate of our globe. This is a project of focussing.

Register Now


Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

© Copyright 2024 Gesundheit! Institute